• Eastern Cape, South Africa

    5th Floor Dukumbana Building, Independence Avenue | Bhisho

  • 043 605 5000/5442

    Mon - Friday: 8:00 to 18:00

  • customercare@ecdsd.gov.za

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Behind Our Organisation

Executive Leadership

Honourable MEC

Ms. Bukiwe Fanta


Bukiwe Gloria Fanta started her education at Jafta Primary School and matriculated from Amantinde High School in 1973. In 1976 , she obtained her first diploma in commercial subjects in Qwaqwa. She furthered her studies and enrolled for Public Management Studies at Border Technikon. She possesses a National Diploma and a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Public Management from Border Technikon (WSU).


Bukiwe Fanta’s political involvement spans through the involvement in the United Democratic Front and workers struggles championed by Nehawu. It is during this time that she cut her teeth in politics through workers struggles, struggles which culminated to the downfall of LL Sebe, the leader of the then Ciskei. Bukiwe Fanta was first elected as shop steward at the Department of Education and later elected as the treasurer of Nehawu – King Williams Town Branch. After the unbanning of the ANC in 1990, she joined ANC and the ANC Women’s League and led both structures at a branch level. In 1991, she was elected as deputy secretary of the Border Region Women's league.

In 1992, she was appointed as National Gender Coordinator of Nehawu to advance gender equity and women’s empowerment in the union, workplace and society... In 1991, she was elected secretary of ANC Women’s League of the then Border Region until 1993. Subsequent to the disbandment of ANCWL in 2014, she was appointed as the coordinator of the Provincial Task Team of the Women’s League. In 2015, she was elected as the Provincial Chairperson of the ANC Women’s League in the Eastern Cape Province. In the year 2017, she was elected into the Provincial Executive Committee of the African National Congress in the Eastern Cape and was re-elected again in 2022. After the disbandment of the Provincial structure of the ANCWL in 2022, she was appointed as the Provincial Convener of the ANC Women’s League, a position that she currently occupies. Bukiwe Fanta is a gender activist whose beliefs are anchored on gender equality as not only a fundamental human right, but the necessary foundation to achieve a peaceful, thriving and sustainable world.


  • • Her work experience includes being Clerk, Senior Admin Officer, Assistant Director: SPU, Acting Deputy Director: SGs Office at the Department of Education.
  • • She served as a Member of the National Assembly.
  • • After joining the Provincial Legislature as the Member of Parliament in 2019, she was appointed as the Chairperson of the Multi Party Women’s Caucus, a position she held until her appointment into the Executive Council of the Eastern Cape Province.


Bukiwe Fanta is currently the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) of the Eastern Cape Department of Social Development (EC DSD) since August, 16, 2022.
Furthermore, she is the newly appointed Chairperson of the Provincial Steering Committee on GBVF. She is a prolific woman who works hard to ensure that addressing violence against women and the emancipation of women remains a priority of the province throughout the year in the province.