• Eastern Cape, South Africa

    5th Floor Dukumbana Building, Independence Avenue | Bhisho

  • 043 605 5000/5442

    Mon - Friday: 8:00 to 18:00

  • customercare@ecdsd.gov.za

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To provide sustainable development programmes which facilitate empowerment of communities based on demographic and evidence-based information.


5.1 Management and Support

Provide administration for programme staff and coordinates professional development and ethics, provision of tools of trade for management and support staff providing services across all sub-programmes of this programme.

5.2 Community Mobilisation

Building safe and sustainable communities through the creation of strong community networks, based on principles of trust and respect for local diversity, and nurturing a sense of belonging and confidence in local people through active involvement of individuals, families and communities in dialogues, information sharing, advocacy, marketing, outreach and campaigns.

5.3 Institutional capacity building and support for NPOs

Promote sustainable and self-reliant Community Based Organizations for improved service delivery by strengthening management and compliance of NPOs and Cooperatives through accelerated capacity building. The organisations are capacitated on interventions such as Governance, Basic Book-keeping, Financial Management, Marketing and Costing.

5.4 Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Livelihoods

Promotes sustainable livelihood and self-reliance through building capabilities, improving access to household food production and nutrition security to vulnerable individuals and families as well as support to self-help initiatives. The programme identifies people’s strengths to enhance their capabilities and assets in order to sustain their livelihood strategies and activities in all districts.

5.4.2 Provincial Anti-poverty coordination unit

Responsible for transversal coordination and integration of all Social Partners in the implementation of Anti-Poverty initiatives targeting vulnerable groups in the 39 first level poorest wards of Local Municipalities and two Metropolitans in the Eastern Cape Province. The Social Partners include Government Departments, State Owned Entities, Municipalities, Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector and Institutions of Higher Learning. This is in accordance with the reviewed Provincial Integrated Anti- Poverty Strategy (PIAPS)

5.5 Community Based Research and Planning

To provide communities an opportunity to learn about the life and conditions of their locality through household and community profiling and uplift the challenges and concerns facing their communities, as well as their strengths and assets to be leveraged to address their challenges

5.6 Youth development

Youth Development provides a foundation and mechanism for holistic and integrated empowerment of young people to enhance their levels of skills, participation in socioeconomic development for sustainable livelihoods. Youth Development Programme focus areas: Support Youth Development Structures (Youth Cooperatives & NPOs), Skills Development & Youth Mobilisation

5.7 Women development

Create an environment to help women to develop constructive, affirmative and sustainable relationships while concurrently providing opportunities for them to build their competencies and needed skills to engage as partners in their own development and that of their communities through Intervention Programmes and Services (Leadership and Life-skills, Service Centres, Inter-generational programmes and Support Structures)

5.8 Population Policy Promotion

To promote the implementation of the Population Policy within all spheres of Government and civil society through population research, advocacy, capacity building and by monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the po