• Eastern Cape, South Africa

    5th Floor Dukumbana Building, Independence Avenue | Bhisho

  • 043 605 5000/5442

    Mon - Friday: 8:00 to 18:00

  • customercare@ecdsd.gov.za

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To provide integrated developmental social crime prevention, anti-substance abuse services and victim empowerment and support services to the most vulnerable in partnership with stakeholders and Civil Society Organisations.


4.1 Management and Support

Provide administration for programme staff and coordinates professional development and ethics, provision of tools of trade for management and support staff providing services across all sub- programmes of this programme

4.2 Crime Prevention and Support

Develop and implement social crime prevention programmes and provide probation services targeting children, youth and adult offenders and victims within the criminal justice process

4.3 Victim Empowerment

Design and implement integrated programmes and services (interventions, financial and management support, policy and legislation and governance) support, care and empower victims of violence and crime in particular women and children

4.4 Substance Abuse, Prevention and Rehabilitation

Design and implement integrated services (prevention governance, establishment of support structures stakeholder management and capacity building) support for substance abuse, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation