The purpose of the programme is to provide policy guidance and administrative support on strategic imperatives mandated by the constitution of the country. It consists of Office of the MEC, HOD, Corporate Management Services and District Management. (Institutional Support Services)
1.1 Office of the MEC
The office of the MEC provides political and legislative interface between government, civil society and all other relevant stakeholders.
1.2 Corporate Management Services
Corporate Management Services provides for thestrategic direction and the overall management and administration of the Department. The office of the Head of Department is located under this section as well as the following functions: Executive Support, Legal Services, Special Programmes Coordination, Strategic Management, Internal Audit, Risk Management & Anticorruption, Communication and Customer Care and Security Management.
Other support functions that fall under Programme One are Operations Management, Information & Communication Technology, Financial Management, Facilities and Infrastructure Management, Corporate Services and Non-Profit Organisation Management
1.3 District Management/District Development & Implementation (Institutional Support Services)
District Management/ District Development & Implementation plays a coordinating role for decentralisation, management and administration of services at the District level within the Department.